Nostalgic and short passion-project (10 days on and off)
Disclaimer:I am in no way, shape or form affiliated with the Gran Turismo brand or polyphony digital. This is purely my own interpretation of a concept-website.
When I was a child I loved playing Gran Turismo (like a lot of boys and girls). There was just something about the graphics, cars, winning races, earning money, buying and selling cars that spoke to me. I spend a lot of time on this game.
Then suddenly I had the idea to create a gallery, with some of the great cars in the game and their history. My design and website primarily focuses on the Ford GT40 (a legendary Le Mans car). But the idea would be to make a full gallery showcasing the different cars and tell their story with beautiful pictures, video and animation.
02. Mockups for the site and menu
For this little project I made a simple 12 column grid with a gutter-width of 16px, a column-width of 122px and margin on each side.I wanted to focus on pictures of the cars, which is why I placed a tiny burgermenu in the top right. This way the pictures of the cars will dominate the front page. The menu is a drop-in sideways, which is shown below.
03. Color Scheme
I used the original Gran Turismo colors for this project. I then added a black, a grey for hovering-effects and a complete white. Different gradients are also used around the site.
04. High fidelity mockups
Here’s some high fidelity mockups. We’ll starts with the front-page (which animates in).